It’s a simple fact that Ork technology is the best in the galaxy – or so the big green chap looming over our shoulders tells us*. Not many Boyz have the technical know-wots to build their own ramshackle gear, however, so they rely on gifted Meks who possess rare engineering skills to craft their instruments of carnage.
The biggest and strongest of these Mek – known appropriately as Big Meks – possess prestige on par with Warbosses, and now they’re getting a new miniature to match their supreme stature.
This hefty lad has had enough of walking around on his own two feet like a chump, and has instead strapped into a rugged exo-harness designed to carry the massive, madcap weapons Big Meks are so fond of. He’s loaded with minute mechanical details, from the wires and metal plates crudely grafted to his body, to the torn apron filled with tools as though he’s clanked straight out of his workshop.