The March issue of everyone’s favourite Warhammer periodical will be available to pre-order soon, and we’ve been flicking through the pages of our preview copy with great enthusiasm.
White Dwarf 498 starts with a brisk stroll through the Bunker, which provides a new scenario for both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar, as well as new mission for Combat Patrol games and a report on the first phase of the studio’s War Zone Bastior Crusade.

Eidelwynne VanTarrion is the first Rogue Trader to get stuck into Combat Patrol, at the head of VanTarrion’s Voidsmen – putting the Rogue Trader retinue and Imperial Navy Breachers from Kill Team to good use in this fast and accessible Warhammer 40,000 game mode – datasheet cards included!*
There are also rules for three and four-player games of Combat Patrol, and six missions designed to work with these increased player counts. Warhammer 40,000 coverage this issue extends to the deeds of Lieutenant Titus, and Kill Team rules for the Blades of Khaine.

The Warhammer Age of Sigmar half of Tale of Four Warlords reaches its penultimate instalment as our generals add some monstrous miniatures to their armies, just in time for the Gathering of Might Battlepack, which brings rules and two missions for 3,000+ point games that take place on whopping 44×96″ tables, for truly epic confrontations.

There’s more Mortal Realms goodness to be had, as Ark Arcana takes stock of the fearsome creepy crawlies that inhabit the depths of Gallet. Baron Veingulper returns to Ulfenkarn for the second half of a new Warhammer Quest: Cursed City sidequest, and Warcry players can get their hands on Mawpit terrain rules and warband quests for the Wildercorps Hunters and Gorger Mawpacks to use while carving up the Gnarlwood.

This issue features a Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game™ battle report in which Aragorn and his armies attempt to draw Sauron’s gaze away from Mount Doom as Frodo and Sam reach the scalding terminus of their journey, while things are rounded out by the third exciting instalment of Jon Flindall’s Tome Keepers tale, Legacy of Defiance.

You can pre-order your copy on Saturday**, or buy a 12-month subscription to get access to lovely full-cover art editions. Issue 500 is almost with us!
* These rules will remain exclusive to White Dwarf for a few months before becoming available later on Warhammer Community and the Warhammer 40,000 App.
** English-language issues are delayed in Japan.